Sample Submission Guidelines « Core Enology Analytical Services | Wine Testing & Analysis Lab

***Harvest hours have begun:  Mon-Fri, 8am-6pm;  Sat+Sun, 9am-3pm***

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Your quality assurance partner, specializing in full-panel juice and wine analysis
Keys to successful sample submission at Core Enology

General Guidelines:

  • 50mL is all we need for most analyses:  Most analyses performed at Core Enology can be run off a single 50mL sample tube. The exception is Cold Stability Check which requires 250mL sample volume.
  • Minimize headspace:  To help ensure sample integrity and adequate volume for analysis please fill the 50mL tube all the way to the top. (Our red-cap tubes are much less prone to leakage than other tubes out there.)
  • Beware of cross-threading:  When capping the tube make sure it hasn’t been cross-threaded. Cross-threading pretty much guarantees leakage.
  • Print neatly:  Taking the time to write the ID of each sample as clearly as possible on our pre-printed sample labels will minimize the amount of guesswork at login
  • Keep samples cool:  During the summer months especially, it doesn’t take long for samples to warm up in a hot car, possibly shifting volatile parameters like FSO2 and alcohol. Consider a cooler/cold pack to help keep your samples cellar fresh.

Shipping samples – some suggestions:

We receive a lot of samples by UPS and FedEx – this is a great option for clients who aren’t in the McMinnville area. If you’re planning to send us samples please consider these additional steps to ensure sample integrity:

  • Avoid using padded mailers. A cardboard box with adequate packing material is strongly recommended.
  • Enclose all samples in ziplock bags. Leaking packages may be destroyed by the carrier.
  • Write a brief sample ID directly on the tube with Sharpie. If samples leak and labels get wet they may sluff off. This can lead to us not knowing with label goes on which tube….
  • Minimize time in transit. Next Day shipping is strongly encouraged, especially for juice samples. Check with your carrier – you may be located within the “next day by Ground” region. Avoid sending sample on Fridays.

Juice Sample Suggestions:

Fresh samples are very much preferred but samples that arrive actively fermenting are problematic from both a sample prep/analysis/integrity standpoint. Here are some suggestions for submitting juice samples:

  • Minimize holding time:  Get samples to the lab ASAP after collecting them.
  • If possible, send juice samples prior to inoculation
  • Avoid inadvertently cold stabilizing your samples: Juice samples that get put in a fridge or freezer are likely to precipitate potassium tartrate crystals.  When this happens the acid-related parameters of the juice panel can be significantly impacted – potassium, tartaric acid, and titratable acidity can all see dramatic decreases. If you plan to send samples frozen or on ice packs please contact the lab.
  • Worried about your sample fermenting?  Contact us – we’re happy to offer some suggestions to minimize the risk of fermentation in transit.

Questions?  Don’t hesitate to reach out to us!  We want your samples to arrive safe and sound and we’re happy to guide you through the sample submission process.